Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I Take One Fucking Nap

And everything goes to hell. Hello people, been a while. So can you imagine the shock I had when I woke today in a bed that's not mine, in a house I've never seen, realizing I've been asleep for 4 days, and let's not touch the dead parents thing.... So when I wake up, Red's at my bedside, starts flipping and hugging me screaming "He's a wake! He's a wake!" Crap man I didn't think he cared that much, it's nice though.  I start asking the usual "Where am I?", and "What happened?" like anyone would. To my surprise it wasn't Red who answered, but a woman. I never saw her come in but she was there, and wow... if you look up the word pretty in the dictionary you'd see her face. Red addressed her as "My Lady", to which I responded with a just as formal "Waaahh?"

Diesis: Now, now Red. Your confusing the poor boy. I'm Diesis and this is my manor. Red is also my servant, in case you  were wondering.
Me: Oooooooook. I guess that explains one thing. Now how about the other thousand?
Diesis: Yes, I figured you would have many questions. Where would you like to start?
Me: How about with my parents?
Diesis: There dead.
Red: AZAX! Watch your tone. 
Diesis: It's alright Red, sit. I'm sorry that was quite blunt.
Me: ....
Diesis: I guess it would be best to tell this from the beginning. You see, we've taken quite and interest in you "Child of Ash" or rather an interest in the interest the Dark Gentlemen shows you.
Me: You mean Slender Man?
Diesis: Yes, yes. That's what this generation calls him now.
Me: This generation?
Diesis: Hmmm? Did you think this is the only time in history he has appeared before? I'm afraid you arn't that special.
Me: How do you know all this exactly?
Diesis: Knowledge is easy to get when you're ageless.
Me: Ageless? That means...
Diesis: If your thinking I'm a Fear then you are partial correct. I am a sub-Fear.
Me: "Sub" Fear?
Diesis: Don't concern yourself with it to much
Me: I won't...

Alright to summarize here, Diesis has been investigating SM for many, many, many years and it seems Red AND Blue were her top men. But while Red remained faithful Blue was turned to His side. And since I seemed to become a topic of interest for Diesis Blue decided to get rid of me, unlucky for him SM seemed to decide that he was still amused by me and saved my life, and then Diesis sent Red to guard me... yeah. So after I apparently broke down and went almost comatose after finding my house burned, Red took me here (reluctantly for some reason) and Diesis patched me up. I woke up around 12:00 or so and have been trying to catch up on whats been happening....

I know about Nathan. He apparently got taken over or some crap, went evil, killed his family, then got himself killed by that Clark guy and is now either in hell or a ghost.... sigh, why are things never simple. Anyway I'm going to his funeral (I'm running late actually. Thank God for Red's teleporting).I'm going to talk to Phobos, who seems to be in charge over there now and see if I can get a few things straight. I'll update tomorrow with any new info I have. 

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