Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Questions Answered by Questions

I'm sorry everyone but I needed answers. I need them... and there was nobody to answer them... except for Him. The only thing I can count on... His appearance every night. So yesterday I waited. In the bushes outside, I waited for Him to be there. To appear out of nothing, like always. And He did. Looking up into my room to see me. But I wasn't in my room. I was their on the street. He didn't seem surprised, but it's hard to judge the faceless. I started asking Him questions. Begging Him, telling Him, DEMANDING Him to answer. Before I knew it I was right up to Him. His big empty face staring down at me. And then He... placed His hand down on my head, the way a father might do for his child. I looked up, up into the nothingness of His face and that nothingness took over everything....

And I dreamed. Dreamed of dancing blue flames and dancing red flames. Swirling and shifting, like they were fighting each other. The blue flame always trying to get to me, but being blocked by the red one. It was beautiful, and terrifying.

A woke up an hour ago in a place that is surely not my house. It's cold and dark... possible a cellar. And... I'm not alone. He called himself the Red Oni. I'll just call him Red for short. He said hew was there to protect me. That He won't get me again. I don't fully understand, but at least I'm not alone.... Seems Red wants to write something.

Hello all, I am the Red Oni. This child has been under threat from the Slender Man for far to long. It has been placed upon me to protect him until he is safely were he belongs. No other's help will be needed. Especial from you Umbra. It will be best if you stay away.

Red... you are very kind. Maybe a bit to forward though... Oh well... I don't understand your hatred for Nathan though... He's been nothing but kind to me....

I'm running low on strength. I need to sleep. I'll post tomorrow... Once I learn... where I am. 


  1. I'm alive. And Red Oni is... Justified, let's leave it at that.

  2. Well, well, well the prodigal liar comes about again. With a touch of truth this time. How nice.

  3. Red Demon huh? (Yeah, I've watched enough anime to pick up a few Japanese phrases and words here and there) Well, it's nice to meet you I guess.

    And trust me, I'm not the kind of person who keeps people safe, I'm that person that you go to for support at three AM and they'll still wake up and help you. XD

  4. Tell me, have I ever lied to Azax?

  5. You know the answer to that better then anyone. You are his "old friend" after all.

  6. Oooook, after fighting with my blogger I final got it to work again in this magical wireless (I say that since I don't know were the signal is coming from). Red stop it. I appreciate everything but don't be an ass to my friend. If Nathan or anybody offers help, I'm going to take it. Also I don't know what this whole thing about you lying is but if there is something your keeping from me Nathan, I guess you have your reasons.

  7. It... I'd tell you, I really would... But I can't.

  8. Hehe, I know how you feel. Red's been quite and unresponsive since the end of the argument. And Nathan, I don't mind. You're entitled to your personal life. It's one of the view things you can keep in times like this.
